

Discover a unique set of resources for hippocampus researchers and learners to build models using powerful modeling workflows, and to interactively explore models of the hippocampus and its components!

Build models

Explore models

About the hub

The Hippocampus Hub brings together free research tools and services, and learning resources for scientists and students interested in the hippocampus. It aims to provide a unique resource and bring together those interested in the hippocampus to create an active community.

The Hub features two main functionalities: workflows and tools to build models, and online services to interactively explore previously built models.

The Hub is for all: students, experimental scientists, computational neuroscientists, interested members of the public. We also hope that the Hub inspires experimental scientists to contribute data and that modelers may help in advancing the models. We are therefore happy to hear from you with potential collaboration ideas and projects (see Terms & Conditions for more details). If you are interested in using the Hub for commercial or industrial purposes, please contact us for more information.

The Hub is developed and operated jointly by two organizations, the Institute of Biophysics, National Research Council (Italy) and the Blue Brain Project, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland).

Build models visual
©Blue Brain Project/EPFL 2005-2021

Build models
of the hippocampus

Build models

What you can do

In this section of the Hub, you can find resources for building detailed neural models of the hippocampus. In parallel, services and tools are offered for the creation, visualization and execution of these models in a collaborative fashion and following an open access approach.

In addition, information is provided with direct access links to neural morphologies, connections, electrophysiology and model resources gathered from external dedicated platforms (i.e. NeuroMorpho, Hippocampome, EBRAINS Knowledge Graph, ModelDB). You will also be able to seamlessly interact with EBRAINS tools for the creation of neural models through the available services.

Explore models visual
©Blue Brain Project/EPFL 2005-2021

Explore models
of the hippocampus

Explore models

What you can do

In this section of the Hub, you can explore the data underlying previously published models, investigate the model artifacts and browse validation results, making these models more accessible without having to download them or to install specialized software. You will also be able to perform in silico experiments on published models via online services and using computational resources provided by e-Science infrastructures, such as EBRAINS.



Read our latest publications!

The Hippocampus Hub provides a number of learning resources focused on the hippocampus. They range from massive open online courses (MOOCs) for students or scientists that want to train on the specific methods and approaches used and provided by the Hub, to online video tutorials, courses and presentations.

This section also provides access to relevant scientific publications, preprints and Live Papers.

Terms and conditions

The Hippocampus Hub intends to provide low-barrier access to data, models and computational services. Browsing data and models, and access to a limited amount of HPC resources, is provided for free. Applicable Terms of Use can be found at the bottom of each page of the Hub.

Terms of Use CNR-IBF

Terms of Use EPFL/BBP

For re-use of data and models for research, education and commercial purposes, please consult the respective License Terms that can be found with the respective artifact.

For more involved computational campaigns, you may have to abide by User Agreements of the infrastructure providers (e.g. EBRAINS).

For additional licensing questions, please contact us.

Contact Us

Let’s stay in touch!

For all inquiries, support and collaborations, please email: